Phone:- 01491 875100 08456 44 2065 LASER Engraving And Design

Now in our 18th year of trading - established in 2002

The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe investing in rural areas

Laser Engraving And Design is a company utilising laser technology to mark, cut & engrave.

The versatility of this technology means that we can mark just about any surface and apply it to almost any industry

or potential client. Our CO2 lasers can also cut a variety of materials from acrylics to wood and fabrics.

We are located close to the Oxfordshire/Berkshire border but serve customers both local and world wide.

The service we offer means that full engineering projects can be undertaken as easily as single engraved items,

with jobs as diverse as bar coding, QR codes, part marking, the manufacture of gaskets, personalised items,

engineering parts serialised, canapé trays, corporate gifts or even shop displays stands.

We provide a design service to assist in bringing your ideas to fruition and are happy to prompt if you need help

deciding on a method or material to complete an idea.

Every day new applications & requirements are found for our services. Look through our web pages and maybe

get some inspiration from some of the applications & ideas that have already been used.

Below the video shows one of our CO2 lasers cutting small 5mm square

lenses for optical sensing equipment. Each lens has to be precisely cut

to ensure correct fitting into the equipment.

This video shows  the marking of one of our promotional tags. As it says

on the opening titles this video is played in real time and has not been

speeded up.

Please note We are still open for business but with strict social distancing cannot accept visitors without pre-arranged appointment. Please phone or email first